Monday, May 13, 2013

Designing Websites

8 days sober:

Just right off the bat let me make one thing clear - I am NOT a website designer! I am trying to get into Marketing, and website designing has never been my forte. But, I'm seeing if I can get a website designed for my dad by next monday...and it is going to be a bit of a stretch! We'll see though!

Anyway...why am I blogging about this on an addiction recovery blog? Because it is making me frustrated and I am tired! I realize now that I get tired a lot...I stepped over some lines this morning and so my head has been buzzing all day with ideas of how to lose my sobriety. That makes it hard to concentrate on things around you. So, goal for tomorrow! Work really hard on the website and make up for time I didn't work on it today!

So, in order to keep myself clean I am going to take a drive up the canyon on my scooter! That'll keep me busy and maybe put me back in touch with God...I really need to connect with Him today. So, the other thing I will do is read my scriptures for 10 minutes when I get home!

This is my daily check-in and this is my experience! I hope I can get another 24 hours!

-Grateful and Hopeful

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