Wednesday, September 4, 2013

One day at a time

2 days sober:

We have a common saying or ideal that we try to live by in SA. That is to take our recovery one day at a time.

I don't do very well in thinking about this on a daily basis. Today I didn't really think about my recovery at all...until I caught myself taking street lust hits on some of the girls in the library I was walking through. I caught myself and for one of the very few times so far, I immediately thought about calling someone to get the shame and frustration out of my head. Not only to shed it, but to establish a connection with someone.

So, while I don't do very well in living this ideal, I did make a commitment with my Accountability Partner to be sober today. I can only promise sobriety for the rest of today because tomorrow is a whole new day.

This is my experience and I commit to sobriety for the rest of today.

-Grateful and Hopeful

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A New Start 2x

1 day sober:

Today is a new start for me in several ways, and while I am excited about this I am also a bit cautious. In what ways am is today a new start for me? Here you go:

  • I start my school classes today.
After spending a summer recovering from a surgery, I am ready to do something. I am ready for class. Learning something has become a love of mine. I am very excited to start my classes because I want to learn as much as I can.
  • I start my sobriety again today.
Last night I stayed up too late and relapsed.  I am worried about this one. I am excited to be starting over, but I also am worried. The first couple days are hard.

Well, that is what is going on with me today.

This is my daily experience. I commit to another 24 hours of sobriety.

-Grateful and Hopeful