Friday, March 21, 2014

Being Wrong Is Ok

6 days sober:

I learned that being wrong in an argument is ok. Giving in and admitting that you were wrong actually goes a long way. I have been taught this over and over in my life...and I still haven't picked up on it.
Rather than admit a mistake,
Nations have gone to war,
Families have separated,
And good people have sacrificed everything dear to them.

Admitting you were wrong is just another way of saying you are wiser today than you were yesterday.
 I try to live according to that quote.

Now, I have a couple things to surrender:
  • A weakness of mine in not checking out girls is blonde hair. I am VERY attracted to blonde hair...and I am marrying a red-head! :) Red-heads are very attractive as well, don't get me wrong. I just seem to be unable to not turn my head to look at a blonde for some reason. This has caused me to take street lust hits even though I am engaged. I need to surrender the power blonde hair has over me.
  • Linked with the weakness above, I have experienced some feelings of attraction and fantasy for the girl who cleans up the office I work in. She works in the morning and it is usually just me and her in the office. I haven't ever spoken more than 5 words to her, but she has a very nicely shaped body and blonde hair. I have checked her out several times and I don't want to be doing that.
  • I take street lust hits on most girls when I look at them. Any ideas on how to not do that?  The only thing I can think of is praying for them.
I wanted to check in. This is my daily check in and this is my experience.


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