Friday, March 1, 2013

30 Days of Recovery!

Today marks 30 days of recovery for me! I am so full of gratitude and happiness it's hard to express it, but I figured starting a blog to share my experience, hard times, and milestones would be of benefit to me as well as hopefully of benefit to others struggling with this same type of addiction.

A little bit about me:  

-I am Grateful and Hopeful.  For anonymity purposes that is my name.
-I am 22 years old, turning 23 this year.  I have been suffering from an addiction to lust and pornography and masturbation since I was 10 or 11.  
-I am a recovering sexaholic (my addiction mentioned above) and I have been in a recovery program for about a year now.  Up to today I have had 3 times when I reached 30 days of sobriety and each time I fell hard afterwards.  
-I have a wonderful relationship with a girl (oh, and I am male...just so you're  aware) and she is the girl of my dreams.  The example that she is to me of humility and strength is a wonderful, shining example.  I believe that I love her, but as fellow sexaholics is an abstract and hard-to-define idea/feeling for us.  We have a very skewed idea and understanding of what "love" is, but I believe that I really do love her.  Time will tell!
-I am going to school to try to get my degree and I am also trying to set up a business of my own.  Something to keep my mind and body occupied so that I can't claim that I was "bored" if I mess up again.  This is something that I feel very passionate about and am really able to engage my whole faculty in and I am very excited about the prospects of this venture.
-I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day other words, I am a Mormon! I know it, I strive to live it, and I love it!  Of all the strengths in my life, my belief and faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is my cornerstone for my foundation for life.  Without this I would not be here in this life anymore.
-I love being outdoors and enjoying God's creations.  For me there is no greater proof that God exists and loves us than the world and people around us.

That is me, and this is my blog.  I hope that my experience and sharing will help someone out there and will give them the hope that they need to start on the path or continue on the path of recovery.  Please feel free to comment and share your opinion/experience.  I only ask that you don't use any vulgar language (swearing/sexually explicit) at all when commenting.  Thank you for reading!

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